
UCLA and the six subcontractor university partners are committed to the belief that social services are most beneficial to children, families, and the community, when based on scientific understanding, compassionate concern, and coordinated use of expertise.

We believe that agencies, community leaders, and universities can work together in ways that strengthen well-being and deepen recognition of human needs. Los Angeles is an important urban center of the nation, and can serve as a leader in best practices and set the standard for future development in other counties and states. We believe that shared resources, knowledge, and input across multiple universities can better prepare the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) workforce with the training they need to serve the diverse children and families in social welfare throughout Los Angeles.

Collaboration across institutions and agencies, particularly in Los Angeles, is critical because of its expansive geographic area and unique racial and ethnic diversity. Cultivating relationships among all social welfare schools in LA County, DCFS, and other public agencies make for a more effective Children’s Social Workers (CSW) workforce for Los Angeles.